terms of Service


1. Scheduling

Soul Embers aims to respond to all requests within 10-15 hours of receiving your request. You will be asked to provide further information, notified of the next available slot and instructions on making payment. Pre-recorded readings are scheduled by date AEDT or AEST. Time difference is taken into consideration when scheduling a live session. Please note-Appointments are subject to change pending payment. Should this be the case, Soul Embers will secure the very next available date/slot.

Virtual sessions

Please follow this link provided when provided and accept the invitation to connect with Soul Embers .

2. Payment Terms

All sessions are to be paid upfront, in full and in AUD. Part payments for singular sessions are not acceptable and will not secure a session. Part payments or payment plans are available for programs and packages.

2.1 Short fall payments

Soul Embers will notify you of any shortfall. You will be given the option to have a refund processed or make up the difference. Once full payment has been received Soul Embers will proceed to securing your slot.

2.2 Surplus payments.

Soul Embers will offer the option of an add on, suitable to the surplus or offer a refund of the surplus. Surpluses under $10 will be refunded.

2.3 Payments received and placed on hold or status pending

Soul Embers uses the third-party platform PayPal to receive payments. PayPal enables you to place your payment on hold until you’ve received your service. Soul Embers understands and respects your choice and will proceed to completing and delivering the link of your pre-recorded session by the promised date. Please note-Your session will be available for viewing when the hold or pending status has been lifted and full payment is available for Soul Embers to draw on. Live Skype and face to face sessions, require available funds for Soul Embers to secure appointments/slot. Packages and programs are tailored specific and discounted, for this reason available funds are required to schedule all appointments/slots.

2.4 Payment Methods.

Soul Embers accepts payments through the third-party platform PayPal only at this stage. Please be familiar with their privacy policy and terms of use. Soul Embers is not liable for any mishandling by this third-party platform. Is not liable for any fees, charges or currency exchange fees that may be applicable. You are required to take into consideration any fees and charges and ensure adequate funds are transferred to cover your service fee. 

3. refunds

Change of mind

You will receive an email confirming your appointment date upon receipt of payment. Should you feel the date does not meet your requirements, you do not wish to reschedule and prefer a refund, you are required to send email notification to andrea@soulembers.com.au within 48 hours FROM receiving the allotted appointment date from Soul Embers. Soul Embers will then proceed to process a full refund. Any refund requests outside of the 48 hour notice period will be declined. Please note-Soul Embers is not liable for any fees or charges processed by the third party platform PayPal, nor required to disclose their terms of payment.

Refunds without reasonable cause are not permitted.

Claims of inaccuracy do not constitute reasonable cause. Soul Embers takes great reasonable care and diligence in performing each and every session. If you are dissatisfied with your service, please contact Soul Embers to see if an agreeable settlement may be worked out.

Readings not delivered by the scheduled date.

Soul Embers endeavors to deliver your reading as promised and agreed. Due to unforeseen circumstances this may not always be possible. Where possible Soul Embers will provide notice and offer the option to reschedule or if you prefer will of course issue a full refund.

Please note-Please check your spam mail.

3. Soul Embers may decline your request

1) If you are under 18 years of age.

2) Soul Embers does not perform spell work

3) Soul Embers respects the natural order of life and seeks to inspire others to act from a place of integrity and dignity, from a place of love and peace. We do not engage or wish to cultivate feelings of resentment, anger or malicious intent. Please also see code of ethics.  

4. Your tarot reading with Soul Embers

Soul Embers in no way offers finite solutions, but rather, suggests creative perspectives for understanding your current challenges and offers guidance to inspire, empower and maximize your personal, spiritual and professional potentials. Soul Embers strives to help you improve the quality of your life by tapping into your intuition and natural gifts. The role of such a coach is supportive.

5. Disclosure of Limitations.

A tarot reading, vibrational medicine or coaching should never be used in place of professional counselling or medical advice. Your session with Soul Embers cannot offer legal, medical, business, or financial advice nor does Soul Embers purport to do so. You should not rely or make any decision that would affect your legal, financial, or medical condition. If your inquiry involves the law, finance, or medicine, then you should seek the advice of a licensed or qualified legal, financial, or medical professional. Also, our services cannot replace qualified mental health care but rather only facilitate how you spiritually manage with a given situation.

6. Video recordings

Soul Embers offers virtual appointments through the third-party platform Skype at this stage. By commencing a virtual appointment you are consenting to the following terms herein. You are not permitted to record virtual appointments without express, written permission. If you would like to record your session, Soul Embers will provide you with the necessary documentation prior to your session taking place. Please be familiar with the privacy policy and terms of use. Soul Embers is not liable for any mishandling by this third-party platform.

7. Confidentiality

Soul Embers exercises reasonable diligence in maintaining the confidentiality and will not voluntarily, knowingly, intentionally, or wilfully disclose your identity or the contents of your sessions to third parties. However, if Soul Embers genuinely believes disclosure is required to: (1) prevent imminent harm or risk of harm to yourself or to another, (2) meet any applicable law, regulation, legal process, or governmental request, or (3) protect Soul Embers against claims or threats of claims, then Soul Embers reserves the right to do so to the extent reasonably necessary. Please keep in mind that no legally recognised privilege exists specifically between a tarot professional and client the way a privilege might exist between an attorney and client, doctor and patient, husband and wife, or priest and penitent.  

8. Fortune Telling Laws

Pursuant to applicable laws of certain jurisdictions, a person can be guilty of fortune telling when, for a fee or compensation, that person claims or pretends to tell fortunes, or holds him or herself out as being able, by claimed or pretended use of occult powers, to answer questions or give advice on personal matters or to exorcise, influence, or affect evil spirits or curses, unless otherwise done so explicitly for entertainment purposes only. Any and all readings provided by Soul Embers neither claims nor pretends to tell fortunes and neither claims nor pretends to use occult powers in ways that would run against such laws. In certain jurisdictions, a tarot professional is required to disclose to you that tarot readings should be for entertainment purposes only, and if such a law applies to your reading, then you are hereby on notice thereof.

9. Grievance policy

There may be times Soul Embers doesn’t meet your expectations. For this reason, we encourage you to share details of your experience and together we will work towards a resolution.  

1.     Tell us what happened!!

Here are a few things to consider and information we will request. 

a.     Your name and contact details.

b.     Date of appointment and nature of your service. 

c.     Consider our terms of service and whether your grievance falls outside of what we’d consider a complaint. We do however encourage you, to let us know how Soul Embers did not uphold their terms of service and code of conduct.

d.     Don’t forget to include correspondence, specific examples and any steps you’ve already taken to communicate and come to a resolution.  

Please remember we do not seek to prove you wrong, rather seek a complete understanding of what transpired and how you’ve been negatively impacted by this.

Please send your grievance to andrea@soulembers.com.au

 2.     We need time to evaluate

 Soul Embers will take note of the information you’ve provided and evaluate your concern as well as appropriate solutions.

 3.     Response 

 We will be in touch once the evaluation process has been finalised and encourage you to reach out in the interim with any further questions.

code of conduct

As a member of the Holistic Health Associates International

I shall at all time

  • Be empathetic to my clients needs and take reasonable care for their health and wellbeing

  • Respect the rights, values and dignity of my clients and fellow professionals

  • Refer clients to their medical practitioner or appropriate therapist if their health concerns are outside of my scope of practice and training

  • Provide services and treatments only within my scope of training, qualifications, learning and expertise

  • Take care to ensure the highest standards if hygiene, materials and safety equipment are supplied

  • Ensure client safety, confidentiality and privacy

  • Maintain the highest standards of professional competence

  • Represent my practice and the industry in a truthful, ethical and honest manner

  • Develop and maintain my professional knowledge and skills

  • Ensure safe Workplace Health and Safety is maintained

  • Never misrepresent the expectations of treatment offered

  • Not behave in a manner that will bring the HHAI or its members into disrepute

  • Comply with the Holistic Health Associates Ethical Responsibilities Code of Conduct

natural therapist oath

As a member of Holistic Health Associates International, I vow that I will be honourable and ethical in my life as a natural healing practitioner. I vow in my service to humanity that I will be honest mentally, emotionally and physically in all my dealings in my profession.

I will treat people in a professional and compassionate manner. I will respect those who seek my help as people and never just as clients. I will ensure that their dignity is preserved at all times.

I will not defame practitioners and I will refrain from making false claims about my own prowess.

I will maintain the ethics and the dignity of my chosen profession in all my dealings with my teachers, my fellow healers, clients and with the general public.

I will always practice within my scope of ability, maintain client confidentiality and will strive for personal and professional development for myself and my clients


Last reviewed April 2023.