Exciting times ahead!


We’re updating our services to bring you more!

 Thank you for your patience while we update our website.

 We are still seeing clients during this time and would love to hear from you.

Please reach out if you’d like to schedule a strategy call or book a session.

Commonly asked questions

  • Psychiatrists

    Psychiatrists are medically trained doctors which can prescribe medication. Psychologists, psychotherapists and counsellors are not doctors and therefore cannot prescribe medication. Those with severe psychological and psychiatric issues or brain injuries would see a psychiatrist.


    Psychologists study the mind. They engage the client in discussion, questionnaires and tests, to form a diagnosis and offer strategies and approaches which are sourced from evidence-based studies.


    Psychotherapists seek to uncover unconscious drives which motivate unwanted behaviours and patterns in the present. For example, an unpleasant experience which we don’t remember from our early childhood, may have led us to build an emotional defence which impacts us negatively in the present. Psychotherapy aims to make these unconscious defences or feelings conscious, so we can understand the source of our inner conflicts.


    Counsellors deal with the here and now. A mentally healthy individual experiencing a challenging emotional experience in any aspect of their life, could benefit from the guidance of a counsellor. Counsellors offer practical solutions and strategies to environmental or situational circumstances.

    In summary, Psychiatrists are medical doctors who prescribe medication and work with clients In a clinical setting. Psychologists assist with the long-term treatment of mental illness and conduct an intensive and extensive examination of one’s psychological history. Psychotherapists assist with the medium to long-term treatment of complex behaviours and feelings and Counsellors offer practical solutions and strategies to a mentally healthy individual, undergoing an emotionally challenging experience or transition.

    How to gauge which therapist best suits your needs:

    - You may benefit from working with a psychologist, if you’re experiencing hopelessness no matter how successful you may be, or how positive your relationships and experiences are.

    - You may benefit from working with a psychotherapist, if you’re acting in unexplained ways, which impacts your wellbeing or your relationships in negative ways.

    - You may benefit from working with Counsellor, If you’re experiencing a temporary loss of interest in life, challenges in your relationships or work, are grieving, need assistance refining your values and identity, or support creating strategies and plans.

    - You need to be under the care of a psychiatrist, if you are a danger to yourself and others, require medication to function or manage intense or delusional intrusive thoughts and extreme emotions.

    A counsellor may work in partnership with a medical doctor or other health professionals, to give comprehensive and integrated care.


    This information has been sourced from multiple online resources, provides a general overview, is not a diagnosis and is intended for educational purposes only. We recommend you do your own research and see your doctor, to determine which therapy approach best suits your needs. By contacting Soul Embers you agree, that you have taken the appropriate steps to make an informed decision and do not hold Soul Embers liable.

  • Holistic Counselling is one of the most unique forms of counselling available today and can address the same concerns a standard Counsellor can. However, the treatment approach and practices is a key difference between the two.

    The four fundamental components of Holistic Counselling include the physical, social, psychological and the spiritual. In Holistic Counselling these components are interconnected and contribute equally to our overall wellbeing and our human experience in its entirety.

    Therefore, the focus of Holistic Counselling is broad, it considers the 'issue' at hand as part of a more complex, multi-faceted system. Rather than focus on treating the symptom, it seeks to uncover the root cause of a singular issue or experience and engages the clients in practices which promote harmony of the four fundamental components.

    Traditional counselling on the other hand, usually focuses predominantly on the individual's mental health and seeks to identify and resolve a particular 'problem'.

    Holistic Counsellors undergo studies covered in standard counselling as well as studies in spiritual practices, alternative medicine and meditative practices and exercises.

  • There's a growing body of research on how holistic therapy can help ease trauma, anxiety, and depression plus improve relationships and our overall well-being. Alternative medicine practices are a key part of what holistic health is.

    The idea of holistic healing stems from the concept of connectivity throughout the emotional, spiritual and physical body and balance is achieved by considering all these aspects and sustaining that connectivity. The healing modalities and therapeutic techniques intend to cultivate a greater sense of self-awareness, so you may better understand the connections between your body, mind, spirit and emotions and how your symptoms are interconnected and not an isolated or stand-alone symptom.

    Vibrational Medicine

    Our subtle-energy bodies play a major role in maintaining our health. Energy disturbances in the etheric body precede the manifestation of abnormal patterns of cellular organization and growth.

    “Fear, by its depressing effect on our mentality, thus causes disharmony in our physical and magnetic bodies and paves the way for [bacterial] invasion. The real cause of disease lies in our own personality. ..”

    Dr Richard Gerber-

    Vibrational Medicine involves working with the body's energy systems to promote balance, harmony, and healing. The concept is based on the belief that everything in the universe, including the human body, is made up of energy that vibrates at different frequencies.

    According to practitioners of Vibrational Medicine, imbalances or disruptions in the body's energy can lead to physical, emotional, and spiritual ailments and the goal is to restore and realign the body's energy to enhance overall well-being.

    There are various methods and techniques used in vibrational healing, including

    • Reiki

    • Sound healing

    • Crystal healing

    • Chakra balancing

    • Aromatherapy

    • Colour Therapy

    • Meditation & Visualisation

    • Meridian balancing

    ..and many more

  • Hooray!

    You've reached out curious to know if I can help you make that break you've been reaching for, or finally break free from the unwanted patterns of behaviour you seem to keep slipping into. You know the ones I'm talking about! The ones that sabotage your progress, career and the relationship with yourself and others.

    Counselling & Coaching

    Upon receiving your expression of interest, I will reach out to arrange a suitable time for a strategy call.

    Although the information I gather will vary depending on your specific situation, it's important that we briefly discuss:

    • What you'd like to achieve

      Is it a feeling? A specific goal? Would you like to to establish a plan with step by step strategies? Would you like to explore holistic practices to regulate emotions? Do you want to put an end to inner conflict? Or would you like to prioritise your health by making choices and engaging in practices that nourish your mind, revitalise your body and enhance your sense of vitality and youthfulness?

    • How you envision life once you've succeeded

      What does life look like, and feel like once you've succeeded? How has life improved?

    • What's prevented you from achieving this to this point

      Is it fear, trauma, low confidence, lack of support, habit, low motivation or drive? The list goes on!

    • How I can help you

      Why have you chosen to reach out to me? Why Holistic Counselling and alternative medicine? What support does the right Holistic Counsellor provide? How would you like to feel during our sessions and what would you like to achieve between sessions?

    • If we're the right fit and if my services meet your needs.

      Does the conversation flow during our call? Do you feel comfortable to openly share how you're feeling and what you'd like to achieve? Do you feel hopeful, motivated, inspired and look forward to reconnecting when the call ends?

    • My approach and suggestions

      By this stage I'll have a pretty good idea which approaches and practices may enhance your journey and will offer a few suggestions. Of course these will evolve as we work together. It's important to remain flexible, open minded and curious.


    Much like Coaching and Counselling, upon receiving your expression of interest, I'll reach out to gather further information in relation to your request for a tarot reading.

    At your request, tarot readings can be carried out virtually or pre-recorded. Pre-recorded readings are uploaded to YouTube and the link shared with you upon completion.

    Virtual readings can be carried out via Skype, Zoom or Teams.

  • Welcome to Soul Embers!

    My name is Andrea. I'm a holistic counsellor, intuitive tarot reader, coach, holistic practitioner and the founder of Soul Embers. I use my qualifications and the hard lessons I've learnt on my journey, to help others navigate through the challenging feelings that come with change or transition, by providing strategies, practices and perspectives which are pragmatic and realistic.

    I understand our responsibilities often prevent us from spending hours self-reflecting, meditating and prioritising our personal needs and I know that drastic changes can be expensive, are unrealistic and rarely achieve longterm results. Instead, I hope to guide you to uncover which aspects of your well-being need to be prioritised in the here and now, based on our conversations and help you uncover solutions to respond to life's stressors in healthy ways whilst still prioritising your goals, desires and the changes you seek to make.

    I ultimately seek to draw out that which inspires, motivates, enlightens and heals you!

    My qualifications include

    Master Holistic Counselling Practitioner & Vibrational Medicine Practitioner.

    My areas of interest are:

    • Mindset coaching

    • Self-esteem, Self-image, Identity

    • Communication difficulties

    • Breaking unwanted patterns of behaviour

    • Goal setting and planning

    • Acceptance, overcoming rumination and loss

    • Working through challenging transitions

    • Chakra balancing

    • Healing foods, herbs & natural remedies